Friday, September 01, 2006

even NEECIE can sing...

Hi all... this pic is from along time ago... but the excitement level was the same tonight!!

So, the Ogden gang went to this great bar on Santa Monica called FUBAR. Apparently, on Thursday and Friday evenings, they have the best drink deals in West Hollywood AND kareoke! OMG.

So, the lovely Creagan was like, "Hey Dee, you should go up there." Now people, realize that I continuously get told that I cannot sing, by Creagan himself, my best girlfriends, and people like my father who told me at Catholic Christmas mass, "Be quiet, you sound like a cow!" Aww.... little 10 yr old Neecie sounds like a cow when she sings. I think that was the moment... when I decided to shut my mouth and never try to sing in public again. (Thanks dad, because normally I CANNOT sing.)

Now, maybe its the altitude... (the same altitude that makes me EXTREMELY fucked up after 2 vodkas.. hmm...) BUT, I sang well tonight!! I got applause! And it wasn't fake! Someone came up to me to ask if I was in the business! OMG! (Now, let's all keep in mind that this someone's name was Joseph, and he was a 50 year old over the top gay man who sang the worst redition of Celine Dion's "Heart will go on" I've even heard. But we love him nonetheless:)

It was exciting. If you were too lame and missed this blessed event... I sang The Fugees' Killing Me Softly, Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 and Britney Spears' Drive Me Crazy. It was awesome...

I did SO well (haha) that during the Britney song, my stupid ass broke my flip-flop trying to be Michael Jackson and spinning on carpet. Nerd.

OVERALL.. fun fun fun. We are now going to BANG on Hollywood Blvd (yeah, its the name of a bar! Get your mind out of the gutter) and maybe Ultra Suede's "popstar" night... an "ultra" gay bar :)


p.s... Creagan: liar liar pants on fire-- that's right bitch.

Much love,

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