So from Late 2007 to Late 2008, instead of 1 Billion Burgers Sold, 1.8 Billion Burgers were Sold.... (example)
...But really, that's almost double!
Hey everyone, Stock of the moment to invest your "extra money" into: WEIGHTLOSS PROGRAMS! Not only because it's January/February 'Lose the Holiday weight season' but MORE SO, because the world is choosing a more pocket-friendly alternative to the Applebee's WeightWatchers lunch: The $2.99 DOUBLEcheeseburger Value Meal from McDonalds. Or, as my 6'2" 150lb male 'I can dispose of all transfasts and not gain' co-worker told me: "Jack in the box is selling a Jumbo Jack, 2 tacos, and a large fry for $2.99. I had it yesterday, and it was AWEsome!" Granted, this co-worker was one of the 1-in-10 U.S Citizens that worked at a McDonald's in their lifetime, and he did call it "the Machine." Says Boy-Genius, "It really is a machine, and it will always do exactly what it takes to stay on top and overcome all challenges [Super Size Me ring a bell?] and will keep sales rising."
Wow... So this is what it's come to? Don't mind the fact that I've had the food education of a lifetime the last 9 months while dating Nutritionist/Personal Trainer Mr. Nick. As a tradionally healthy 'Farmer's Daughter' I thought my spinach salad and soup lunch, then grilled chicken and grilled asparagus dinner was healthy. Now I know of such daemons as uncertified organics, falsely advertised natural products, special dietary ratios, antagonist and synergists in nurtients within your body, etc.
IN LAMENS TERMS: There's a ton of products out there that YOU may think are healthy, even found in the NICE grocery store, and they are actually SHIT. Certain nutrients can be fighting against something ELSE you are taking, possibly in supplement form, to help your body's specific needs. Furthermore, the chemicals your 'healthy' proteins were pumped with at birth and through the growth cycle, are 10x worse than certain more fattening proteins.
Back to Fast 'Food' Chains from hell:
The problem is--There's no easy way to feed a family of 5 during a recession. The more we lend out, the more prices will inflate. The more superstores and restaurants SAY prices are being slashed on necessity items like Eggs, Milk, Raw Veggies and Beef to "Help you get past the recession," they are hiking the prices on toiletries and processed and packaged goods. So really, they are screwing you over x2. You THINK you're saving money and you are NOT, AND you are eating SHIT food that is "eco-priced," which normally means the farmers or the shipping company got fucked with lowered costs, or your qualitative value has decreased substantially.
So, Where do you turn?
I had a simple rule of my own (BEFORE I met health-guru):
Shop the outside of the grocer ONLY: Think about it, where are all the 'non-processed' foods? Produce-Dairy-Protein-Bread
It's brilliant, and aside from the 24-pack of bottled water and cheap wine aisle, you are out the door 30 minutes faster because you are not aimlessly walking around the 24 aisles. ALSO, you tend to save money with no 'Promotional end caps' of nacho chips and the 'fake cheese that is supposed to be sold with them' extravagant purchases.
Now with Health-Guru's help, I've noticed that these "outside perimeter purchases" also need to be "Pre-washed, Organic if it all possible, Grass Fed Beef, Free-Range no antibiotics Chicken, Wild Caught Fish, Free Trade Coffee products" to name a few.
Basically: These are food products that were 'farmed' the way nature intended the animals to eat, and live. Or, they are products that were farmed with workers earning a living wage for a quality product. While these products are traditionally more expensive because of the TLC put into their production, there is a whole movement to push the #1 Money Maker in the world: The Food Processing Industry to get on board with these eco-friendly practices. Until that happens (which it won't without hard-government intervention) the prices will remain higher than most crap-product. There are "Generic USDA Certified Organic Brands" out there. Certified is VERY important!! Schnucks has 360 degrees. Shop N Save has Wild Harvest. Then there's Trader Joe's: A Store that only sells it's own brand of well made, mostly organic products.
But I digress, HOW TO FEED MULTIPLE HUNGRY KIDS with little money:
Well, While 'Family Bags' of grilled chicken for $5.99 are kind of a joke at that price for that much product, we do have to say: That is a hell of a lot better than: "4 #14's Super Sized and 4 Cherry Pies. Oh what? Oh we'll have Diet Cokes. We're on a diet!!"
Really. Wtf is up with that. Or 8 Mich Ultras and a 20 piece order of Hooters chicken wings.
Come on people. Join the movement.
Stop eating this junk; it's killing you.
Dr. D