No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true.
-Nathaniel Hawthorne
Why do we hide??
Simple question, no?
I have a few examples of self-deception within my sphere lately , and its starting to drive me gaga.
Example #1: women (and men) who do not realize their ability to CHOOSE. Are you happy or not? How many days a week are you happy in your current situation? (i.e. career, relationship, sex life, friendship) If your answer is not more than half, MAKE A PROGRESSIVE CHANGE. WAKE UP! Tis the century to do what the fuck you want! I made a VERY hard decision a few years back, that created a "The night is darkest before dawn" scenario, but I do HONESTLY think both parties involved are better off today because of that change!
Ex 1.5: There are times when people DO rectify example #1, and then hide in other parts of their lives. How is that? If you are balls to the wall in an area of your life, TRY, just TRY to apply those same principles to the other parts of your lives. THEY ALL REQUIRE THE SAME PRINCIPLES, REALLY.
Example #2: smart people doing dumb things. I just don't get our generation, (yes I'm bashing the 20-somethings-so myself included), we have EVERYTHING at our fingertips: Google, Instant Directions, Instant Messaging, Interfaced everything. So why the hell are we waiting? WHAT are we waiting FOR? And why the fuck do we do dumb things? We are at an advantage! Our generation has tools that should be making work easier and playtime more frequent. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER. Or shall we say, follow your hearts, listen up, get out, and find the job you were meant for! It WILL not fall in your lap.
It seems as though our generation is made up of 30-yr-old retired millionaires that woke up with an idea that worked, or people living at home for NO apparent reason, just because. (Because mom still likes to fold your underwear and press your shirts.) BE ADULTS! Shit, our parents were owning property and starting their second chapter by now!
(..now wait. WAIT! Don't think I don't appreciate the more, lets say, European mentality of staying local, even at home, til you're almost 30, prepping for adulthood very thoroughly. But those lucky individuals are staying at home til they are done with their second degrees and have now paid half down on a home they just purchased.)
Luckily, I have some wonderful acquaintances that are happy mediums: strong work ethic is KEY.
Unfortunately, the people of topic here in Ex #2, have ALL THE POTENTIAL IN THE WORLD, and do not know how to use it. Something has silenced their thunder. Do me a favor people: Write down your strongest personality traits, and most advanced skills. If you do NOT get to, or choose to, use those EVERYDAY, move along. Move right on down the track...
#3 people that fuck with me. Yes, I said that. People that deceived me by "showing me" their second face, their second personality, the GUEST STAR!
I don't like guest stars. >:(
If you really are lazy SHOW ME. If you really need help in a serious part of your life ASK ME. No one can read minds. You will be farther in life if you just say what you're thinking....
...say what you're thinking without intent of harm. (need to clarify)
Above all: Be yourself, at all times. Then you will know who you can really trust, who REALLY loves you, what job you were REALLY meant for. The universe can have a small hand in your road in life, but it is your responsibility to take the hand when its out!!
Let's all shake hands.
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