Really? Why can't it be like high school. We are still in danger on our way to our daily activity, no? Just because we are riding in sedans driving with half a hand instead of big yellow death wagons makes no diff.
What is it with some corporations these days--they don't think the EXACT same stuff can be done at home as it would be at the office. Really, the 'IN-TER-NET' (say it with me: "in-ter-net") changed all of this about 15 years ago. We will be fine. I can still call whomever I wish, I can still email 87 emails a day (ya'll know that) and I can still program or take questions from clients. HOW you make ask? I have a PHONEEEEEE and a COMPUTERRRRRR. ooooooh
So wtf bossmen? Let us sleep in til 7:59 and work in our lime green haneous "PINK" on the ass sweats, with our pony tail all fucked up still from bed-head. We have contact info, we do. We will use it, we will. We may be watching old British comedies on the ole Tube the whole time, but what's the diff to that or an iPod constantly attached to my skull? Atleast then you won't hear me singing the same 27 song playlist over and over.
See, it's normal for people to work from home now a days. An honestly, on my lunch hour I wanna name snowmen with carrot and coal doodles and snow devils. :*(
What do you think?
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