To my dearest, first floor neighbors, Rules to live by:
#1 Do NOT give your 3-year-old and 7-year-old children a gaming system!
#2 Do NOT give your children a game for such a system that is all combat! It will be ill-used and "PING PING PING POP POP POP" all damn evening!! Really, it sounded like all the neighborhood kids got the left over bubble wrap and had a bust the bubbles party.
I WAS TRYING TO NAP!! ... i had a big dinner :(
#3 Do NOT wait 75 minutes to say "Hey, QUIET YO ASS!!" When your child is out of line, don't wait forever to say something, but DEFINITELY, do NOT yell out loud! You are now adding to the frustration, to the chaos, to my lost minutes of sleepy Sunday evening bliss.
#4 What's with the furniture being moved all the time?? STOP IT! Just STOP!
#5 ... That shits so loud you didn't even hear when I beat my All-In-One jumbo remote on the hardwood to say "WTF ARE YA'LL DOING!! Fear my remote! Ahhh"
Really people, you confronted at me in the first 5 minutes when I moved into this unit on a Tuesday at 8:30pm, and we were done by 9pm. I am sorry "that you have a toddler," and "needed me to be more quiet" but THEN WHAT GIVES?? You're a noisy bunch that never shuts up from irregular behavior!
Kids are loud, I understand. I do not actually have any of my own, but adults should know better.
Ms. Quiet Pants has 3 shows daily: Beyonce, Areatha, and Jill Scott. Really, is there a recording studio in your bathroom?
And your yelling? Your 7-year-old will ultimately think that's normal: I feel bad for her first significant other. That poor little girl hears it all the time. Maybe that's why they act up so much: Like mommy like daughter.
And my favorite, I save for last--This is a repeat offender too-- "Where's my $6?" says the mommy to the daddy. "I didnt take no $6 out of your purse." "Nah, I know you did. You put that $6 back, NOW." etc....
Oh my gosh. This man got yelled at for 90 minutes one day. I'm not joking. I have witnesses.
My resolution to this? I will not attempt the "beat the jumbo remote on the floor" trick again. No. No. I will put my Mac's speaker toward the ground and blast old skool Metallica for HOURS on full volume. I cannot wait.
Come on, neighbors. I dare you.
1 comment:
you know what? i can totally picture you banging that jumbo remote on the floor and screaming at your neighbors. that's just something you would do.
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