Ever hear something from a colleague, family member, or friend and think, "WHAT?? How did that even come out of your mouth??"
...Then you realize: 'Oh... That's THEIR perspective.'
But when the Colleague-Family-Friend person SAID the statement, they seemed SO sure of their statement; IT is the ultimate truth, and your view is wrong.
But wait, waitttttt, who decides which point of view is correct? Are any views or opinions correct? Even those seemingly INSANE people: Can we judge their statements or actions? Have you been through what they have in the last 24 hours cycle of hell? Probably not.
What about the drama queens (yours truly)?? What if their drama stems from experience that has come round and round again, and they are simply speaking from frustration of ALWAYS being the ones that have "been there, done that?"
Then there is normal: "Normal" things in life, the "Normal people" that just say, what I TEND TO THINK, are the dumbest, one-sided things:
#1 "The roads are fine." Says an office manager, on why the Salaried Employees who have laptops and can work from home can't have a "Snow Day." WHOS ROADS ARE FINE?? Ever lived border-lined Bourgeois-Ghetto? One block mansions, one block ghetto? They are called red-lined zones: And no services go there: Taxis, PD, and STL City Employed Snowplow Drivers. Bumfucks. WHY NOT?? All the 'County' Roads, where everyone ELSE in my company lives, are wonderfully cleared/covered with magic salt by their boring White-Male Snowplow drivers, who get paid via high-property tax dollars. Not me :(
It's ok, I'm not bitter
#2 "Everyone in St. Louis in the fine dining industry has worked there." I'm sorry, the word-vomit came up: "What? What do you mean? Who is everybody?" uhhhhhhh.....
No really, when people say these things, you kind of have to teach them a lesson from using words like "Every" "Never" "Always".... Bad. Confusing. Excessive, much?
"Maybe everyone knows each other in the small circle from your friends-of-past that worked at the OTHER place the owners opened, therefore having possibly 100 people in a network of friends-friends you may have gotten drunk with on a case of '2 Buck Chuck' at someone's house party. Yuck.
Please people. Stop saying things like this. You normaltons have no excuse like "insane" or "drama queen." And you know what? Please, throw this back in my face if I do it in front of you!! I don't want to be example #3....
Word up.
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