So, lets get to the point. This blog is to discuss a currently un-published relationship theory. The theory was told to me by a player. A married player. A friend of a friend of a friend. I have never forgotten the infinite wisdom of this man though:
"You see Denise. Don't feel bad about your (short, ridiculous, and ancient) relationship. It all boils down to one thing--New pussy."
I was like, WHAT?? What the hell is that all about? And for now on I'm calling it P*.....
"Well Denise, guys always act wonderful when the P* is new. They do whatever they can to feed their hunger for the HUNT, not necessarily the sex. If and when things are spicy enough to lead to sex, the sex quickly and eventually gets old, hence the other term, OLD P*."
So there we have it. This theory is very similar to the OLD v. NEW COW theory from the movie Someone Like You (2001) :
"This theory is about male/bovine behavior: once a bull mates with a cow, the bull, having already serviced the cow, doesn't want to mate with the old cow again, the bull wants a new cow. The lead female character from the movie applies this to men: once they've had a relationship/sex with a woman, that woman becomes the old cow and therefore pass, and the man then begins looking for the new cow. "
Now, this blog is not to scare women wanting to know why their relationships might be dwindling. Most people are not that sexually driven, or willing to make the kill after a short hunt, and then decide to abandon the trophy. HOWEVER, this is a blunt (and funny) explanation for the thought process of many.
MOST RELATIONSHIPS are meant to be short. A TRYOUT. AN INTERVIEW, and maybe a second and third. But like we all know, most relationships don't work out, and most people don't land a job just because they had a good second interview (myself the case in point!)
I would like to see more acceptance for the unfortunate tryouts, the second interviews where you LEARN FROM IT. This is the key. We all need to learn from the experiences, and move on. Take what you learn and apply it to your next endeavor.
The end result from the "Road of Learning" we'll call it, is a relationship where there is no game to win. No kill after the hunt. No need to move on. Until this level of relationship is reached--TAKE THINGS FOR WHAT THEY ARE!
Human communication has came a long way over the millennia so we can more efficiently understand our peers and partners. We need to utilize opportunity for communication when the moment strikes. THIS is the key to a lasting relationship. And if this communication is true to your feelings and convictions, and the relationship is still rocky, then you know to leave the trophy, and move on cow. Learn and move on.
1 comment:
Moo is right. I wish some people, who will remain nameless, would start jangling their cowbells and moooooving on.
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