Meet the band, Lojic, discussed later...
As well as our dear, dear friend Lindsay Lohan who's discussed later... ew. [source:perezhilton.com]
In a nut shell... this weekend was insane. A long, long weekend of drinking and sweating in the CA heat! WTF??
Friday night I dragged the Ogden gang to Ruby on Hollywood Blvd. It's an 80's, Indudtrial and Pop music club--three rooms! It was so fun, and packed. The drinks were reasonable and the music was hott. There's also huge screens that show the videos, and lots of dance stages. The one good part for hip and trendy smokers in LA: there's this "outdoor room" where you can smoke AND people watch on Hollywood Blvd. The bar was amazing, especially with the drunken Creagan around. 80's music plus drunk gay men = good night.
Saturday was all about our new favorite band: Lojic. They are rock meets hiphop meets reggae. Very cool, very good! We went to the Hollywood House of Blues to watch this energetic group, and were also entertained by an eclectic mix of participating bands. Over all great time. Kudos to Johnny for the free tix hookup, and to the hott Scottish bartender!
Sunday was a blank day of nothingness.... seriously nothing. When you've seen every episode of Dr. 90210 since you've been LIVING in 90210... there's a serious problem. Around 10pm, Kristen called my cell to say, "Hey, you and Creagan dressed?" We were like,"whatttt?" She said she had something to show us. Uh....
So we go outside expecting to see someTHING, and she actually showed us somePLACE. We took a drive up into the hills and looked over Hollywood. It was so beautiful! Too bad the bitchy police were already clearinging out the lookout area... oh well. It was worth it. P.s. Kris, that tour of Hollywood, aka getting lost in the valley and Brentwood. It was educational ;)
Since the holiday ruined any chance of a job interview, Monday was dedicated to BBQ and liquor. We pooled our money, and entertained Kristen with Circle of Death and muchas sangrias!! I bbq-ed... that's right, Denise cooked. And it was good bitches!! Homemade burgers... and chips. yum. Delightful menu.
We had some suprise guests that were friends of Shannon's ex, Nick... and they brought a mystery guest, Chris. WELL, Chris ended up being a 57-year-old war vet that was a doctor in the jungle for 30 years. Let's just say he was entertaining--he told the same stories over and over, drank almost anything and commented my chest like 30 times. Nice to meet you too, Chris. On a serious note, an older gentleman did fall down the steps literally 5 minutes after the guys got here, and some neighbors yelled, "Is anyone a doctor?" It was fate. Chris handled things well, and the paramedics came. Crazy.
So, the end of this five day hiatus from snoop bloggy-blog, included yet another day of nothing. I did however apply to like 40 jobs in the last two days, and FINALLY 3 people took my bait. I have three very inconvient interviews tomorrow and Thursday. I'm veryyyy excited, but have no ride :( It's bus, or $50 each way. Booey boo.
Well, since my cooking was SO awesome yesterday, the Ogden gang asked me to cook some more BBQ. So, I have to get going. HOWEVER... I have to leave you with a very disturbing thing about today's society. Creagan and I walked in the door from the laundry mat earlier, and Shannon asks, "Who wants to see Lindsay Lohan's vagina?" The fucked up thing?? We all rushed to the computer. Some one ACTUALLY snapped this pic!! Trying to be funny I said, "To see if she's really 'fire crotch'? (per Paris Hilton)" And GUESS WHAT THE HEADLINE WAS!! IS IT FIRE CROTCH...? I was like, shut up! So... what an amazing bunch we are... we being anyone in Hollywood between the ages of 1 and 80. jeezzzz.
Much Love,
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