So I've been up since 10pm last night, and that's because I slept from 3am til 10pm the night before.... yeah. Like 19 hours. WORST MIGRAINE EVER.
So my plan is to stay up from 10pm last night to 10pm tonight... SO FAR ITS BEEN GREAT. Last night started off with a great jump start of 2 excedrine's and a "lunch special" delivered from Imo's. IMO'S PIZZA IS THE SHIT for all of you outside of St. Louis, MO. (Yeah that's right... flat pizza, cut in squares! AH!)
To keep myself awake I FINALLY unpacked from the trip to LA, and of course watched mindless television for hours while constantly refreshing my MySpace homepage to see if anyone else sends messages and comments at 2am.
At like 5am, the good TV starts! Old Saved By The Bell episodes, as well as the worst infomercials ever made for overweight housewives that are actually up at 5am. Hm.
I decided to call the one person that was awake, Dave. He would appreciate my trying to get back onto a sleep schedule. NO! He was like, "Why are you doing that?" I don't think people understand how hard it is for me to go to bed at night. It's a condition! Maybe I like the dark?!
So, around 6:45am I went for a jog around the highschools track. I felt like a Nike ad: out running at daybreak, all decked out with yoga pants and an MP3 player. Wow.
Well then I started running. After about 5 feet the cold air hit my lungs and I was about done before I even started. But it was a nice 1.25 mile run--until my MP3 player broke :( Damn, that ruins the whole vibe.
But aside from the actual physical activity, was the emotional well-being! The people that say "good morning" and the feeling of accomplishment before 8am. WOWZA. I went to Starbucks and got a great greeting there as well. Maybe I am a morning person?!
Nah. I would never actually wake up early enough to do this shit. I only felt that great because I was already awake for 9 hours :) But it was a nice moment nonetheless.

(It's not fair! They took our Wendy's away in Granite City!)
The rest of the day was handing out resumes to restaurants in the surrounding areas, and more Amber time. MUCH NEEDED GIRL TIME! I am still awake now, at 8pm, and may even go out later with Amber when gets back. Hmmmm. I just need to wake up at 8am no matter what! I am afraid that if I got out, I may pass out on the bar. Wouldn't be the first time...
WELL, update tomorrow!
Much love,
p.s... Love that picture of Amber? It's from an ad campaign from 2005--taken by yours truly.
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