Hi all...
So, not much is going on today. I am applying for jobs like CRAZY now. Anything that pays well and is somewhat in my field, I'd be all about. I'm getting alot of response to freelance work. It makes you wonder if you could make a living just doing all part-time work. I know that especially in big cities alot of people do the messenger-dog walker-courrier thing, BUT I cannot move across the country for that reason.
WHY??? Why not call lil ole Denise back mother-fuckers?
Still waiting on the dream job, but in the meantime, its poor-folk fun for the Ogden gang. Atleast everyone in the house is starting to work... those great lil job that help pay the bills. However, they are also looking for second jobs to pay for our lifestyle of alcohol and mindless shopping. I cannot get one of these jobs though--its just not fair to the employer for me to leave in less than a week. Boo.
So, tomorrow is the first day I can RESIGNUP for unemployment. I hate everything about state agencies. They treat you like you are scum. I have had one AMAZING operator in my whole Missouri unemployment journey, and she got my address wrong. Hmm. Nothing in that realm can go right. Update and insight: Because I was waiting for my first few weeks of unemployment claims to go through, I didn't attepmt any new online claims. APPARENTLY, I didn't log in for 28 days, so they assumed I was employed. FUCKERS!! I did try to do another claim online! I hate them. Boo.
Well, now that I got that out of my system... I have a chance to appeal for the $1,490 I "LOST"... and after the next seven days I will successfully receive my second installment of $269. (The first one from August 2nd is apparently HELD for state funds. That's just the protocol. FUCK THE PROTOCOL!
So, today is officially Shannon's b-day! Last night we partied hard... and long. I only spent like $30 all day. I was SO proud of myself. Shit, normally I'm like, "I've got this round of shots!!" and it's atleasttttt $30. Anyway, we went to our favorite kareoke happy hour a few blocks from our house at FUBAR. I did well last week singing,.. but the Ogden gang wanted me to sing Madonna. Well, let's all be honest, everyone knows their personal strenths and their own good keys to in which to sing. This song was NEITHER. I was horrible! haha But IT WAS ENTERTAINING!!
After FUBAR we went to the SaddleRanch! WHOO HOO!! It was fun. We all drank so much at the last bar (for $9 a round, you're damn right!) we were already good to go. The bartenders were hott, and there were coutry bandanas and boobs ALL AROUND. The Ogden gang asks me to go around asking guys who was gay and who wasn't. And you know what, when I'm buzzed, I'll ask anything to anyone. It was SO much fun. We have a new lesbian friend to add to our querky GAYsha house here.
Today, we ordered a pizza, and Creagan and I walked the 8 blocks to get it (work it out bitches...) On the way home, we went in to the 7-11. While I was in line, some NUT was like,... "heyyyyy, nice ass." I just looked forward. Then, in his rapsy GROSS voice, he continued by saying, "Nice ass! God, I wish Paris Hilton was here!" WHATTTTTTT?
what the fuck....
The people you meet in West Hollywood are priceless. One of my interviewers asked me why I wanna live in this neighborhood so badly... well, it's because of this shit. FUN!
Creagan and I also are going to trademark something that was derived from a SouthPark episode with the Underwear Gnomes. If you HAVE NOT SEEN THIS.... scroll down, b/c you will think I've gone crazy :) We were just quoting the scene:
"Step one: collect underpants.
Step two:_________
Step three: PROFIT!"
WELL, then we got on the topic of Paris Hilton again, and we were like,
"Step one: Be heiress.
Step two:___________
Step three: PROFIT!"
NOW, in the show, the whole episode is like, "WHAT'S STEP TWO!!!???" and the idiot gnomes would just look at the SouthPark boys with this empty stare. Well, we too feel that people like Paris (who we actually for some reason LOVE) make a name from nothing!! Yeah, NOW she has the successful perfume line and a semi-successful single, but I mean before that. So if ANYONE puts out some porn, gets arrested a few times, and makes out in public while wearing the smallest skirts EVER, we too shall prevail. We too shall get to step three. It's insane to think about how hard college grads (both BAs and MAs) have to work to get 1/10th as far as she will. What did she do? Had a great-grandpa. Nuts. Well, Kudos to her atleast over coming the porn problem and ALMOST turning into a lady.
And finally... As we are now done eating and have been sitting around for the last four hours... I was reading up on how a new spin has been given to the "Lonelygirl15" thing. On "her" webiste there was a post in the second forum that made HUGE YouTube news. A letter from the CREATORS of the show thanked all of their viewers. So there you go. Once again though... while some are outraged... THE HYPE IS HIGHER THAN EVER! Yet another brilliant marketing ploy! These "creators" should be given a pat on the back. Their weird little mini-series made national news!
So... here we are, sitting around, and wouldn't you know it, THE FUCKING BALCONY FLOOR FROM UPSTAIRS FELL FROM THE FUCKING BUILDING. We just stared. "So.. who do we call?" LOL.
Luckily I'm alive to type this... seeing as the hundred pound 8ft x 10ft piece of metal fell right by the BBQ grill (and we all know who's been cooking lately, haha :) WOW. So, they removed it. I'm like "FREE RENT FUCKERS!"
Well see. Longest post ever. Time for drinky.
Much love,
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