So, I have been looking for some excitement now that I'm back in Granite City. I was driving down Namioki Road (Granite's Melrose!) and I saw some little raggedy sign taped to a traffic light post with electrical tape:
" Wanna know the Granite City Gossip? Go to www.GraniteCityGossip.com "
I was like, WOW, something fun! So I go home and get online, THINKING the website would be ran by half-wits who try to make small town gossip-HELL even worse. BUT NO. It's hardly that. It's a small town, small effort for shy people to try to meet other shy people via discussion boards of GC news. NO GOSSIP. Boo. But there were ads for local businesses and the such. I saw one for "El Torero," a small Mexican restaurant. David and I went there today and it was wonderfully decorated, reasonably priced, and extremely Mexican: the servers are great, but not at all versed in English. FUN OPENING! The type of opening in GC. Nothing like LA :)
On a more exciting note, tonight I watched the Ultimate Fighting Championship 63 on pay-per-view. As Creagan says: "UFC is like a gay man's dream." But for that matter, the three girls at the party were like--WOWZA! Gotta love men wrestling and grunting!
Lately, I've also been very interested in watching networks like HGTV, TLC, and STYLE that have shows based in LA. It's cool, and sad at the same time, to see someone say they were driving down the Sunset strip. I sooo miss LA. But it's cool... I mean, I cruise the Madison and Maryville strips... SO HOT!
I will now include some pics for the Ogden gang to enjoy, as well as anyone that lovesss UFC :)
Much Love,

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