Actually, I rolled out of bed and hopped on the bus to take my wrinkled clothes wearing ass to work. No real news there. Work Sucks.
Anyway, it's been a very chill weekend, sans Friday evening when Shannon and I decided to go out for a few cocktails. For some reason, we have decided that it's ok to start doing shots again. For whatever reason, the shots here are sort of giant. And strong. Tommy likey. So we had threw a few back at "Motherlode" a self-described "hole-in-the-wall" near Robertson and Abbey. I was unimpressed. The drinks were reasonable enough and strong. But, the crowd was boring and the sound did not bring it like I deserve when I pay 30 dollars for a round of drinks. I mean, strange euro rock has it's place, but just play some Madonna or Love Inc. and let me sing along. James somehow got himself a little flat tire right after our second drinks which

Besides the drinking, I saw a cool movie called, "This Film is not Yet Rated", which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2006. In the grand tradition of going to the movies alone because no one likes movies that I like, I partook in a nice matinee screening of the documentary. It was sufficiently entertaining and informative as it laid out details about the MPAA ratings system, which has been a subject of scrutiny in the film industry for years. The board has been accused of rating films unfairly, having biases with gay/lesbian films (aka "Boys Dont Cry"), Independent Films, and films with sexual content. In turn, the board has been known to let violence and gore slide with an easier rating. For example, a film that shows excessive violence but does not show any blood as a result of the violence would earn a "PG-13" or "R" rating, while a film that shows a female masturbation scene in which no private parts are shown but masturbation is implied, would receive an "NC-17" or "X" rating. This greatly impairs a film because anyone under 17 is not allowed to see the film in theatrical release, even with a parent. One of the best points of the film is that we should be more concerned with showing children a realistic point-of-view instead of one the implies you can shoot and stab people all day long without any real consequences. They make a slight reference to the irony involved with these types of violence in film compared to the violence that occured in school shootings like Columbine. I say touche. Makes sense to me. Anyway, the film goes on to hire a PI to "out" the ratings board memembers, who, until now, had been kept secret. Ironically, the film gets an "NC-17" rating for sexual content because it uses clips of past "17" rated films for examples throughout. Funny, right?
So, did anyone catch "Dateline" last night? "The Paris Hilton Tapes" aired last night with Keith Morrison doing a dramatic take on the events surrounding Joe Francis and his infamous robbery and assault with a ridiculous attempt at blackmail. I won't bore you with the details, if you want to read about it check out The worst part of the whole show is the media screaming everywhere that Paris admitted she was "not that smart". I seriously can't get over the idea that every single thing she says and does is scrutinized! I mean, lets face it, if I were at the Hard Rock Hotel getting wasted for my sister's birthday, I would have a hard time remembering what exactly was said as well.
To continue, I have been having some wheels turning in my head as of late regarding the celebrities I speak of so much. Everyone always says that the group is like high school and I agree. But, I also think that this is why we are so obsessed with them. Its like that high school complex, trying to learn everything you can about the cool kids. Paris is like that hot senior girl and all of us are like the incoming freshman who just want to see her in the hallway. The "wanna-bes" of the Hollywood crowd are like those girls that never quite make it in with the A crowd, dress well enough but try way too hard. Plus, everyone talks shit about the "IT" girl behind her back but would shart their H & M capris is she asked them for a pencil. I'm rambling, I know. But, this would make such a good movie, right? To take the inner workings of "Fictional" A-listers ALA "Mean Girls". Do I smell screenplay??
Only in my blogs is Bill Clinton on top of Paris Hilton! Check out Billy dishing it out hardcore regarding Bin Laden and his efforts to track and kill him:

And here's Paris' New Video...loves it! For real, everyone, get over that its a little kid in the video, obviously, he is in high school. Obviously all of us in highschool had fantasies about blondes. In, my case, the blonde thing wasn't really so important as the penis thing but, you get the point. In general,"Lighten the F Up!!!" Yes, I know, you can accuse me of worshiping false Idols all you want.
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Next time, I plan on filling you all in on Grey's Anatomy and The Fray. I fucking dig both. And you should too if you want to be super cool like me! (and you know you do)
1 comment:
I wanna see that movie! I totally agree with the author: sex is SOOO scary. But movies like Final Destination 3 are allowed to play in our theatres.... ITS NASTY. I'll take a simulated BJ over a rollercoaster decapitating 4 teens any day.
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