Today I realized that I may be spending too much time focusing on entertainment and celebrities. If I'm not watching a movie or TV, I'm reading or writing about them. If I'm not doing that, I'm thinking about it. Or clothes. Or booze. Or working-out and not eating bad food like the Pizza Pocket I just consumed...
Next step: Get a new gym membership, an eating disorder, and an addiction to a stimulant drug.
Final step: PERFECTION! (Just like Nicole Ritchie!!!)
Stay tuned for the transformation....
Last night was the long awaited second to last episode of Project Runway. I totally had a feeling that all four of the designers were going to stay for Fashion Week. I thought that maybe I had predicted incorrectly about halfway through the show, but at the end I let out a squeal of glee when Heidi said both Micheal and Jeffery were "IN".
This twist came with mixed reactions for me. I am excited to see ALL the collections because ALL the designers have such different styles. But, seriously, the show has always been 3 finalists. So, it just seemed like an easy way out. Clay and Rueben BOTH couldn't win Americnan Idol. But look who's making news now, years later. Gayken thats who. It just goes to show that even if one didn't get to advance, they still would've had a chance to "make it". I was surprised to see Uli finally do something different. I did like her dress. I actually liked Jeffrey's too! I guess I could see where the judges were coming from with the milkmaid comment though. Micheal totally dropped the ball. I am most excited to see if Laura can take the judges' advice and change up her designs. The thing that sucks about this show is that constant demand for the designers to do something different. When I think of well known designers, it's clear that each of them have a definate voice and style to their garments. I suppose that's a perk that comes with long-term commercial success. I really like Laura the best out of the four. I hated Jeffrey and his neck tats until last night when he got the little video on his phone of his kid. It kind of humanized the jackass and let him show some emotion. As long as he doesn't stick zippers on any more crotches, everything should be just fine!
Click the designer's name to see the collection each presented at the 2007 New York Fashion Week. I just couldn't wait 3 weeks to see their stuff. Do you have self-control?
The other show I had to see was "America's Next Top Model". Episode Two aired last night and I have to say, this season is so much better than the last! Even though the girls are all ungrateful BITCHES, at least they are interesting. I hate Monique so very much that I want to slap her ugly face on a hot griddle and let the other girls fight about who gets the biggest piece. I love the twins! Gingers usually scare me but these girls are sassy and look so hot in every picture!
Seriously, like Jay said, the girls are blank canvas. If Tyra wants to shave your head, put on a happy face and shut the hell up.
Back in the real world, I read an article today in "The LA Times" about a new trend in the south. An inventive pastor, Marty Baker, is marketing these(for a profit) on site ATMs as "Giving Kiosks". I'm sure Jesus is happy that now we can earn frequent flyer miles by giving to the church! Who carries cash anymore anyway? The flames that are constantly flickering around down here make it tough to carry anything paper on your person anyway! Read all about the easiest way to buy your way into the pearly gates HERE!