Seriously, I have some giant blisters the size of silver dollars on my feet. I am definatly bringing sexy back. I officially have a DIFFERENT job at Who's on Third. It's a small cafe near the Beverly Center that is just what I was looking for, non-corporate. I was actually considering working at the fucking CHEESECAKE FACTORY! I know....I've stooped lower before though. I also have been writing some random stuff. Denise mentioned it before. It's just an online paper that is progressive and a good way to pass those long Californian Hours. Also, I am working on submitting my "coming-out" story to a Harvard publication looking to publish an anthology that will be used to educate those newbies and raise money for AIDS research. I didn't really think I had a "story" so to speak but I bet I can create something heart-wrenching and hilarious. I'm thinking "white-trash Frat boy becomes white-trash faggot". It has a nice ring to it.
Tonight is exciting because it is the MTV VMA's! I bet Britney won't be making out with Madge this time. (DAMN) But, Justin is performing. If I had a TIVO I would totally be using that performance as spank material later....Woot Woo!
I flaked out on an interview to be a Maitre D' at the Geisha House today. Between the blisters and the sweat and the pure inablity to smooge another person, I decided to let it go. Let some one with more desire to climb to the top of the C-list ladder have the job.
Hopefully, my direct deposit goes through tonight and my checking account will be in the red again. Keep your fingers crossed ya all! Tommy need drinky.
So, heres that website: Leave a comment if you can!
Oh and lets all pray to the Project Runway Gods that Kayne isn't kicked off next week. I mean, you gotta admit, that outfit coulda worked if he had lost the belt and not made the collar so big. RIGHT?! TEAM KAYNE!!!
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