So... The job opportunity in STL was given a little light on Friday when I received an email saying that they were now going through reference checks. YAY! Some kind of response to my TWO persistant yet polite voicemails. The owner of the company told me that he would get back to me either way. DOUBLE YAY! It's like he understands HR and cares about me as a person. Loves it!!
Kristen sends me a small MySpace message entitled "Job opportunity." I was like, OKAYYYYY what's this going to be. WELL, turns out: I could have a job tomorrow if I wanted it. POOF! There you go, Dee! What you've always wanted. Just move to LA real quick, and it'll be all good!
So, immediately I had 1001 thought rush through my mind. When would I leave? How could I rent my house? Can I really leave a blooming relationship? What about my family and friends? What about my debt? Eek.
So I talked to my mom and dad about this. They are not too thrilled. Of course. But they understand the necessity for me to actually feel like I'm using my degree.
Tom said he doesn't want to stop me from doing anything, but also said he believes he already "put up a wall," like a defense mechanism, to protect himself from getting more hurt. :(
That's no good. I may not go. I may be here. So will I have a crazy few weeks?? Will I be worrying if Tom isn't putting forth 100%?? I cant say I do not understand his actions, subconscious or not, but it sucks!! Our relationship deserves a chance!! Grr.
And geez, my friends. My friends I've had since junior high... I would be deserting them!! I know the feeling; I've had many a friend leave me for a coast.
So, what to do... I SHOULD hear from job STL by this week, which will give me just enough time to get back to Kristen's superiors in LA.
The good news is, I have three possible renters for my property, and have two roommates lined up for LA if need be. And as 100% sure as I sound that I want to move to LA, I would be SO happy to get this job in STL. So happy. So it's all in the air!
More to come!
Much love,