First of all, this is my first day off from BOTH jobs in like 10 days. For those of you living in St. Louis, you know that the last 10 days have been like the best days of spring! 70 degrees, no clouds, absolutely beatiful! SO TODAYYYY: its fucking sleeting and cold! AH! I saw it coming 5 days ago... but I was hoping it wouldn't be today :(
Well anywho, I'm having a great day in with the pups, and had a great time last night!
Tom and I went to see the new (remake) Bond flick "Casino Royale."
OMG people.
This movie is absolutely AMAZINGGGG! First of all, someone said that Daniel Craig was the best Bond ever (YES!) and they also said this was the best Bond film ever (YES! YES!). YES TO ALL OF THE AFOREMENTIONED!
Daniel Craig is not only gorgeous (I will soon find out if his blues were in fact contacts) but he had SUCH A CONNECTION with Eva Green, the refreshingly SMART, not-just-for-sex, ruler of his money, Bond girl. It was so wonderful. The movie was all action, all WONDERFULLY casted. Jeez. The best part by far was the implosion of a 4 story Italian town house in the rivers of Venice. As a result of much automatic gunfire, Bond and his enemies blew up the massive air bags that supported the home, and with such amazing special effects the house slowly went down... taking down Bond's girlfriend as well in a very well produced, very dramatic scene.
The movie had one slower point, which seemed to be a blissful ending, and then BAM! More twists and more drama. Kudosssssss!
After the movie, we went to a Belleville, IL "gem" the Hy-Ho. It's actually a very cute and quaint little diner. My turkey sammmich was great. But more so than that is the continuously better conversations I have when Tom and I actually get a few hours of time together! And right when I thought he couldn't get any better, he says, "Would you want to go down the street and grab a drink?" AH! Now that's the way to woo the love of a good woman.
Well, that and playing exotic HUNKS photohunt! Sheesh he's good to me! It's the little things that count boys...
SO, on the the next OF COURSE topic.
It happened on Thanksgiving. A phone call at 12:30. "Brenda??" It was my LA based friend Kristen's mom. She was just calling to say hi, and ALSO just wondering when I was moving back to LA. She said it had came up in conversation that day. Well, you know... I was thinking I would be back in 6 months. (March, aka when the house market goes up and I can unload this beast and move where ever I wanted).
Well, for some reason, I guess I forgot about the whole thing. Now I'm like, well I do miss my Ogden gang. I definitely miss Kristen and the GOOD WEATHER UNLIKE TODAY... but, and here it is...
I HAVE A GREAT NEW GUY IN MY LIFE. Is it required for it to happen this way? LOL
I told Tom about my thoughts the day I received my random phone call, and he politely said, "Well don't let me hold you back, do you what is good for you." So sweet. But of course things could get wonderfully complicated even if I don't go; Tom's job could take him anywhere in the state. So, we have decided in our short 6 week relationship to just take things one day at a time and just have fun! We will cross those bridges when we come to them, etc. It's working quite nicely.
WELL, I'm going to find something to do in my little house, maybe *EEK* clean!
Much love,