Monday, October 23, 2006

D is for Drinky

So, it's been a little longer than I like. But, I have been busy quittin jobs. Here's the update:

THE WRAPPER: 10 bucks an hour. Glitter, Bows, Christmas. Whats not to like? Well, the thing is, I can't make a bow to save my life. I shake too much and forget halfway through what I am supposed to be doing. Not my cup of tea. Employed: 1 day.

SUSHI HELL: You tip out 65% of what you make. Meaning, if I make 100 dollars, I get to keep 35 dollars. WHAT? Also, you have to do all the paperwork (like book keeping) and there is no manager. Whatever. Peace out Sushi.

So, next stop is Hard Rock Cafe in Beverly Hills. Keep your fingers crossed. Meanwhile, at Whos on Third, I want to kill the stupid bitches who insist on ruining my life on a daily basis. But, whatever. It's a job. I just have to be sure to bring the kleenex for when the customers make me cry.

James and I made a friend with a bartender at Rage. Actually, we bought him with tips. Hes straight and very pretty and we like to bitch about serving tables together. We have made Sundays there a ritual, with 3 dollar drinks til 11 and top 40 all night long, Im in heaven.

Also, Ive adapted a bit of a new style. I bought some new, LA jeans. And...ive been wearing Bananna Republic oxfords a lot with no undershirt and showing a little chest. Ive lost a coupole pounds, got a haircut and a new hair product. Ive started wearing Very Sexy cologne. Also, the uptightness I felt at the gay bars here is almost gone. Im more confident. It really makes a difference. I also shave everyday so my face is totally smooth now. And...I have a bronzer. LOL
People still keep asking me what show I'm on. Loves it.

Halloween is coming up and I still dont have a costume. I want to be Fred Flintstone. But, also, the event here is so crazy that I feel like I need a great costume. Fred Flintstone is not too creative. So, Im still debating.

I ran into a DJ from Atttiudes at Rage. I had him on myspace because he worked at Tudes when I was underage and trying to scam drimnks. He hosts Sundays there, but I hadnt seen him before. I was kinda drunk when he said hi, but I sent him a myspace message and we're gonna have a drink this week. Drinks DRinks Drinks. Hopefully, he can educate me in the weho scene. I had STL down. So, west hollywood is a top priority in getting to know whats hot and whats not. Its important to be in the know. Its like, picking a bad lunch table in highschool. Social Suicide.

I have a couple dates lined up this week too, time to get out the teeth bleach.

Speaking of, last week James and I went to TigerHeat. Wow. It was an awesome bar. The only thing that sucked is that we had to drink upstairs as to not encourage the underagers in the sins of consumption. I danced my ass off and poured too many wayyyy too strong Vodkas down my throat at 2 dollars a pop. James got hungry and bitchy so we had to leave. Needless to say, I had a hangover when I had to be up at 7 the next morning. But hey...I can hang...

I met some friends of Kate's (Shannons Friend) this weekend too. They were....nice....
We went to St Nicks Pub (again) and proceeded to watch the straight people try to mate. Its a sad dance really, but a dance neccessary for pro-creation. We had fun and Kate made a "Friend". Aside from the leaky pipe above my head, it was a classic night out.

Wow, I go out a lot...

So Britney and K fed are rumored to be appearing at a show here for Halloween. Im anxious to see her since shes lost some of the baby weight. Come on I need a comeback. NOW.

Well, time for some food. Nothing with dairy because I think im lactose intolerent. That would explain the explosions in the bathroom that occur daily.

Peace out bitches.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Welcome Kaelin Patricia!

Hey, guess what ya all? One of my BEST bitches, Brandi J and her boyfriend, Kevin gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby girl this week! WOOT. Congrats guys! Although a complication with the placenta and her amniotic fluid were an issue for the new parents, both Brandi and Baby Kaelin Patricia (keeper of keys, pure) are now healthy and happy at home!

I went to that super gay boutique next to door to "Who's" (Puppies and Babies) and picked up a couple things for the little bundle of joy! Baby shopping is so fetch!

Also, at work today, I had the honor of serving none other than Sarah Chalke! You may remember her from a little show called Roseanne playing the beloved second "Becky"! WOo! She also was on Scrubs. What'd the deal with me running into the cast of that show? I mean, why won't Brit just come out of hiding already and have a drink with me damnit? She's the whole reason I moved to this crazy, sunny hell hole.

I've had a few new things published in Broowaha !

Click on the link above and then on contributors to see my stuff. I've completed 7 articles so far and have remained in the top 5 even though new stuff is being added on a daily basis. The latest one is about all the jobs I've had over the years. Hey, they say "write about what you know".

I think it's crazy that almost 300 people read the article I wrote about lonelygirl15. Freaks me out. Hopefully, one day, way more than 300 folks will be devouring my every word, hanging on my every syllable, licking my nipples...wait...

I've discovered the best thrift store, Out of the Closet.

They have a fucking awesome collection of books and CDs. Plus I got a pair of sweet light brown shoes for like 10 bucks. All the money they make goes to AIDS research, so I feel even better about buying the Beauty and the Beast soundtrack for $3.

If any of you get a chance, check out the movie Quincanera. It's been out for a while, but I just got a chance to see it the other day in the Beverly Center. It was one of the only movies I have ever seen that portrays characters that seem real. The way that the family interacts with one another, the way they speak and tease, I guess it just reminds me of those I grew up with. Plus, it didn't feel like the people were acting as much as we were just flies on the wall of their lives.
Plus, it's set in Echo Park, this part of L.A. that interests me. It was an area fully concentrated with latinos and their culture. The last few years, gays and trendy young people have started to migrate there from North Hollywood and Silverlake, pushing up rental/housing costs and changing the culture of the community. That phenom was a sub-story of Quincanera that was subtle, but obvious at the same time. Damn gays. Always coming in and making everything Starbucks and Lolipops. I think it may only be playing in L.A. and New York now, but I hope it gets a national distribution.

There are so many movies I want to see out this fall. My next Broo article is going to be a list of those movies that I recommend to all my loyal fans. All six of them!

If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write.
Stephen King (1947 - )

Monday, October 02, 2006

Gray Space and MySpace

Hi all... Wow its been awhile! I have had an interesting week!

First, starting on Wednesday, I have been out like every single second I could possibly be out. It was Ann's birthday weekend extravaganza. I say WEEKEND, because that's what I get for my birthday. That's right bitches.

It was a lot of drinking after I had not drank for a while (being a week:) So, this means my tolerance was low, so this means the fun level was HIGH! Wowza. I'm done for a while for sure.

This weekend I also had yet ANOTHER talk about the ole gray space with the ex....

Def: Gray Space (N) -- The "What the fuck is going on" time after a long relationship.

I asked what was going on: did he or did he not want to get back together?? Did he or did he not see things going anywhere in the NEAR future?? I say near because it is not fair for either party to be like this!! SO many questions, so little intimacy!

Speaking of questions, LET US DISCUSS MYSPACE!

You know, for anyone that has or had a long term relationship in the last two years, MySpace may have been the bane of your relationship's existence. For an online program that has changed the way a generation communicates, it is also killing friendships and relationships! Yes it is popular, hence:

T-shirts saying, "You looked better on MySpace."

Drunken moments where someone says something ridiculous, and their drunk friend says, "OHHHHH! That's SO your new MySpace quote!!"


My thoughts are that Satan spawned MySpace... seriously. If you are in a relationship it can be KILLER. The problem is that you can see enough to ignite jealousy, yet NOT ENOUGH when it comes to the personal messages! Fuck this shit!

Then there is the "PRIVATE" and "YOUR COMMENT MUST BE APPROVED" statuses.... ICK! There is way too much emphasis on friends, friend counts, Top 8 (dumbest phenomenon ever) and PLEASE random man whores.... PLEASE stop sending me friend requests at 4am!

So,... can we all just cancel MySpace, get partial labotomies, and go back to using AIM and Yahoo messenger????? AH!


I got TWO jobs today. Hmm. No jobs for two months, now two jobs in one day. ODD! I start tomorrow at my retail job, and then start Thursday at my server job. I have to go from Hootersgirl to classy high-priced steak house server... how how how?

Much love kids!